Yes, thats right! The Rambling Bear finally has a real banner to put atop the website! Much thanks to Wymond, one of my guildmates, for really coming through for me! Just dont go spending that 100 gold all in the same place.
Now, even though the 100 gold prize (which was announced in Prophecy's forum) has been claimed, I'm leaving it up there for my guildmates, and am willing to extend it to, at the very least, the rest of my server's population. If I get more than one Rambling Bear banner, I will simply put them into a weekly rotation to show 'em all off. Gotta find some way to stand out from the rest of the blogging crowd, after all! I will also gladly accept any entries from folks who dont play on Steamwheedle Cartel, though unless I really, really fall in love with it, you probably wont get to collect the 100 gold, since I would have to roll a character on your server and grind/auction house farm for the money. Though I could always fund a new alt rolled on SwC in that case :-)
Oh, and dont worry, I'm not counting this as my one post a day (though I might count it as friday's, since once again I was unable to post, this time due to workload), I just wanted to publicly thank Wymond for helping me get rid of the fugly default header.
Nice banner! Too bad our bear form doesn't look that pretty. ;p
Dude, the banner kicks mucho ass and it totally fits the atmosphere of the blog design. Very sweet.
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